John Gorka's
European tour
April 2019.


In April 2019 John Gorka came to Europe again! John Gorka did a tour in Ireland, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. Here is a tour preview in a Dutch Music magazine ("Heaven" - March 2019)


The Netherlands   Germany   Ireland    
April 4, 2019 Theater De Wegwijzer
Nieuw & St. Joosland (Zeeland, NL) 2012
Link April 11, 2019 Mayence Acoustique First time
Haus der Jugend, Mitternachtsgasse 8, 55116 Mainz
Click here for an interview on German radio (2017)
Link April 15, 2019 Andy’s Arms, Rathfriland
John was here ealier on May 29, 2009
April 5, 2019 Xinix, Rootscafe
Nieuwendijk (near Dordrecht, NL) First time
Link       April 16, 2019 Bí URBAN
Intimate Houseconcert in a shop

3 Manor Street, Stoneybatter, Dublin D07 X054
April 6, 2019 In The Woods 2010, 2012, 2013, 2016
Bavoortseweg 25 3833 BM Leusden Sold out
Link Spain          
April 7, 2019 "De Oude Veiling"
Marktstr 19 1431BD, Aalsmeer (NL)
First time
Link April 12, 2019 Cantando a través del muro – Concierto por el Sahara Occidental Link        
April 8, 2019 Meneer Frits
Eindhoven (NL) 2010 , 2013
Link April 13, 2019 Altxerri Jazz Bar
Reina Regente, 2 San Sebastian First time
April 9, 2019 Podiumcafe Peter en Leni
Damsterw. 20, 9629 PD Steendam (NL) First time

Click here if you want to see the new videosession.


Recorded April 8, 2019
in the Hague (21 minutes)



John Gorka - The Dutchman
John Gorka live at "In the woods"
Leusden, the Netherlands, April 6, 2019
Video recorded by Tino Bekkering

Click here for a review (and setlist) of this show.



John Gorka - The Gypsy Life

John Gorka live at "De Oude Veiling"
Aalsmeer, the Netherlands,
April 7, 2019
Video recorded by Jos van Vliet





John Gorka - Semper Fy
John Gorka live at "Meneer Frits"
Eindhoven, the Netherlands, April 8, 2019
Video recorded by Jos van Vliet

Click here for 24 great photos made by Ronald Rietman.




John Gorka - Mennonite Girl
John Gorka live at "Podiumcafe Peter en Leni"
Steendam, the Netherlands, April 9, 2019
Video recorded by Jos van Vliet

Click here for a review of this show.




John Gorka - When Doves Cry Live
John Gorka live at "Mayence Acoustique"
Mainz, Germany, April 11, 2019
Video recorded by Peter Molz


Von aba Erschienen am 16.04.2019 um 00:00 Uhr, zuletzt geändert am 16.04.2019 um 07:52 Uhr
US-Songwriter John Gorka in Mainz bei Mayence Acoustique
Sozialkritik mit galligem Unterton, Träume, enttäuschte Hoffnungen: Die Folk- und Songwriter-Legende John Gorka gibt das einzige Deutschlandkonzert in Mainz. Und die Fans strömen.
Vielleicht hat er seine Eltern und Angehörigen in Polen besucht. Jedenfalls kam US-Songwriter John Gorka auf Einladung von André Rössler vom Folkduo

  „Gazebo Tree“ zum einzigen Deutschlandauftritt nach Mainz. Ende der 70er-Jahre wurde Gorka nach ersten Gehversuchen in Folkclubs und Kaffeehäusern in Minnesota von Sangesveteranen wie Dave Van Ronk und Tom Paxton entdeckt und gefördert. Ein siebenjähriger Plattenvertrag mit „Windham Hill/High Street Records“ machte ihn 1989 über Nacht auch in Deutschland bekannt. Gemeinsam mit Suzanne Vega, Ani DiFranco, Jack Hardy und vielen anderen stand er auf Bühnen und machte Plattenaufnahmen. Songwriting und Baritonstimme erinnern an Jim Croce, wären da nicht diese bitterbösen selbstironischen Texte, die in Mainz altersmilde und leicht resignativ rüberkamen. So klingen seine unterhaltsam gestammelten Anmoderationen wie Entschuldigungen für alles Mögliche. Immer wieder rollt Gorka mit den Augen, schüttelt den Kopf,wenn er in Songs den Lügen und  

Selbsttäuschungen seiner Landsleute nachspürt. Den Anfang macht „True in Time“, Titelsong seiner aktuellen 17. CD. Es geht darin um das Wesen der Dinge, deren Wertschätzung sich im Lauf der Zeit ändern mag. Wie Liebe in Hass umschlagen kann, so kann die Wahrheit zur Lüge werden, nicht nur wenn wir vom Weg abkommen oder uns im Dickicht des Alltags verlieren. „I’m From New Jersey“ erzählt von der langweiligsten Stadt Amerikas, die scheinbar nur aus Highways, Shopping Malls und Karrieristen besteht. So eigensinnig wie die Sicht auf Amerika sind auch seine Liebeslieder. „I Saw A Stranger With Your Hair“ ist so ein Fall, wo Gorka glaubt, die Geliebte zu erkennen, doch steckt stets eine andere Frau dahinter. „Never Stop Believing There is Goodness In The World“ bleibt als Hoffnungsschimmer, den Gorka am Ende seinem aus ganz Deutschland angereisten Publikum mit auf den Weg gibt.

Translated by Sabine Goodman:    

By aba Published on 16 April 2019 at 00:00, last amended on 16 April 2019 at 7:52
US songwriter John Gorka in Mainz at Mayence Acoustique
Social criticism tinged with a caustic undertone, dreams and dis-appointed hopes: the singersongwriter legend John Gorka gave his only concert in Germany in Mainz. And his fans came flocking.
MAINZ – Maybe he visited his parents and relatives in Poland. Anyhow, the US-

  songwriter John Gorka came to Mainz for his only appearance in Germany, at the request of André Rössler of the folk duo “Gazebo Tree”. In the late 1970s, after taking his first fledgling steps in folk clubs and coffee houses in Minnesota, Gorka was discovered and supported by veteran singers like Dave Van Ronk and Tom Paxton. In 1989, a seven-year record deal with “Windham Hill/High Street Records” made him famous overnight, not least in Germany. He performed on stage with and played on records by Suzanne Vega, Ani DiFranco, Jack Hardy and many others. His songwriting and baritone voice would be reminiscent of Jim Croce if it weren’t for his scathing, self-deprecating lyrics that came across in a mellowed-with-age and slightly resigned manner in Mainz. Thus, his entertaining, stammered introductions sounded like apologies for all sorts of things. Gorka repeatedly rolled his  

eyes and shook his head while tracing his compatriots’ lies and self-delusions. He started with “True in Time”, the title song of his current 17th CD. It’s about the quintessence of things whose appreciation may change over time. Just like love can turn into hate, the truth can turn into a lie – not only if we stray from our path or get lost in the maze of everyday life. “I’m from New Jersey” deals with the most boring city in America, which seemingly consists only of highways, shopping malls and careerists. His love songs are just as idiosyncratic as his view of America. “I Saw a Stranger with Your Hair” is one example, where Gorka thinks he recognizes his beloved, but it’s always a different woman. “Never Stop Believing There Is Goodness in the World” remains as a glimmer of hope that Gorka concluded with, giving it to his audience from all over Germany to take home with them. .








John Gorka (with Martha Fields, My Darling Clementine & Matt Harding)
I Shall Be Released

This song was recorded the 12th of April of 2019 in San Sebastian, Spain in a Concert for Western Sahara, to remember the situation of the refugees in Tinduf and the people who lives under Moroccan occupation in his own land since 1975









Click on one of the photos for interesting John Gorka pages on this website